Welcome to lindapaterson.com

As an artist, advocate and activist i can no longer undertake paid employment due to my need to protect my mental health due to complications from what i have come to understand as "Internalised Homophobia".

My time when possible is now donated towards raising awareness about the importance for #QualityOfLife4ALL - a hashtag that came about as part of my art practice - out of the need to lobby citizens and #OURgovt for effective and essential change via prioritising the implementation of #EssentialEconomics first - for our country's collective well-being and happiness!

#HERITAGEandEQUITY4ALL is another important hashtag i have created to raise about every child's right and woman's right:
1. to not lose her connection to her family homes and their ancestral collection if homes are being kept and not sold for all children's financial benefit, and -
2. not lose all her net reconciled independent equal and non coercible financial equity rights also.
Australia's 1983 ratified United Nation's CEDAW treaty: Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women - means women are equal to men "in all forms" under Australian law and therefore must be protected equally everywhere and in everyway.

LOBBYCO.org and my twitter blog at @lobbycoorg were created as part of my art practice to encourage fundamental legal human rights principles into fruition via lobbying for new effective and caring Australian laws.

After performing live since 1990, rarely do i undertake live music performances anymore unless uniquely special, and on a request only basis via leaving a message on 0451 672 893

My personal advocacy, activisim, art and music updates and musing can also be found via my facebook page:
Linda Paterson

Please click on the image if you wish to visit my archived music website...